EN Two days ago was Friday, the 13th - Oha! I hope you left your home, because let's be honest - what can happen? That a black cat will walk across the road? That you go under a ladder and your day will be filled with bad luck? No my dear, please do not think so. If you wake up with the thought alone that "omg, I will have such a bad day today!" and everything that can go wrong, is moved to the "bad" date, everything eventually will go wrong. So do not crawl into your bed just because it is friday the 13th, but face the obstacles.
"Good intentions are useless attempts to interfere with scientific laws. Their origin is pure vanity. Their result is zero. "(Oscar Wilde)
Ich wünsche jedem hier ein Studium nach dem bestandenen Abitur. Nicht jeder kann sich dies gewiss leisten und ist ggf. dazu gezwungen aus finanzieller Sicht sofort nach der Schule zu arbeiten, um so schnell wie möglich Geld zu verdienen. Leider verfallen einige Frauen in ungeplante Schwangerschaften und müssen erst ihrer Karriere den Rücken wenden.