(deutsch und englische Version)
EN Since 16.01.2018 we are officially Freiburger!
We immediately fell in love with this city in Baden-Württemberg - the Münster, the Martinstor, the Bächle and my favorite area Gerberau with its romantic flair. Of course, all beginnings are difficult - you have to get used to the people and their weird accent (badisch), get used to the new environment, make new friends and find new favorite places. Thanks to the Instagram account @freiburgfood, you will come across all sorts of delicious cafes and restaurants that make the Foodie heart beat faster. Furthermore, I experienced countless Deja-vues with the help of Instagram accounts @hellofreiburg and @freiburg_deinestadt: I realised that I was actually standing in front of the doors with the confused pattern near the Kaiser -Joseph road.